Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Goth Family- Part 4

The Queen invited Lady Coral to court, to which Coral accepted and brought her daughter, Lady Mary-Sue with her. The Queen was delighted with Lady Mary-Sue, as she remember playing with her in her parent's garden while their parents would do business. The Queen asked her about her life, as she remembered last time she spoke to Lady Mary-Sue, her family was throwing an banquet, in celebration of her engagement to Sir Daniel Pleasant. Lady Mary-Sue told the Queen, that she had given Sir Daniel, twin daughters, Angela and Lilith but was not able to give the son he desperately wanted, so he divorced her and she moved back to her parent's estate. The only thing she was looking forward, was the fact that Angela was getting married soon, she would hope that she would be better marriage than hers. The Queen was sadden by her story, so she invited her to stay at court, to be a governess to her son, Ferdinand. Life at court was always lively and merry, being a governess to the royal children also was a fulfilling experience, so the Queen had hoped that she would accept, which Mary-Sue did.

Months after Mary-Sue agreed to be the Governess, her parents were made Marquess and Marchioness of Winchester, they were also given the Winchester estates, apartments at court and an annual pension of 50,000 simoleons.

Even with all his duties as King, he always found time to spend with son, Prince Ferdinand. The little one, 3 years old and already learned to speak and read in Latin. Now he is being taught English and when he gets a little older, he learn to write.

The now, Governess Mary-Sue would weekly have an audience with the Queen, to update her on her sons progress.
"The Prince is progressing excellently, I see him try and hold a pen to scribble on paper. So he should be able to start writing soon" said the Governess
"Excellent, I also see the Prince mesmerized by the violin, I will be adding a music teacher to teach him how to play" Said the Queen
"Very well, Your Majesty" Replied the Governess
"I would also like to have you to be a Lady in Waiting in my circle for a short time" Asked the Queen

The Queen was with child again, so she wanted the Governess to be present during the birth, so she can take over with the infant's care, right at birth. She was so pleased with the progress of the Prince, she wants the same for her child that was growing in her womb.

Now it was time celebrate the Prince's 4th Birthday, The King threw a banquet and sent for all the nobles to come to pay their respects to the Prince.

Months after the Prince's birthday, Lady Coral, wife of the Marquess of Winchester, died of pneumonia. The King and Queen sent their condolences to Sir Herb.

After the Queen's first pregnancy, which is when she went into labor on the top of the staircase, if it hadn't of been for a strong man passing by right as the Queen was losing her balance. The Queen would have fallen down the stairs and possibly would have killed her along side the child she carried. So she decided towards the end of pregnancy, to retire from public life until she gives birth to her child

A few weeks later, the Queen goes into labor in the middle of the night, one of her ladies in waiting is sent to find the royal physician, while the rest of them prepare the chamber and the help the Queen be comfortable as possible.

In the early hours of the morning, after a complicated birth, the Queen delivers twins, to everyone amazement. None of the physicians could have predicated, but they were thrilled that the Queen and the infants were fine. She had given birth to a daughter and son.

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